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如果您先到达此页面,龙8国际娱乐官强烈建议您进入龙8国际娱乐官homepage now, to see a shorter explanation of to get a 龙8娱乐官方许可证 and our Sales Agent License Program with additional highlights that are critical to review, 如果您想更详细地了解龙8国际娱乐官的程序,请回到这里.


谷歌评论- 4.9 STARS



(Phase 1 & 第二阶段,详情如下)


 Special Promo

$149.00 exp. 3/31


如果没有通过国家考试,还可以退还298美元, Refund Policy

已经有国家考试日期: PowerPrep在线版分别为79美元或114美元 与硬拷贝考试复习指南| 200%双倍退款如果失败 | 6 months access.







Completion Time: Minimum, 每门课2-1/2周, which must be taken apart from each other (example: minimum time period to complete 3 courses would be 7-1/2 weeks). If a student enrolls and 7-1/2 weeks have passed without taking a course final, student would then be eligible to take all 3 finals at once or any time after. Max. (1)自入学之日起一年.


房地产原则、实践 and 房地产的法律方面 (或任选). We provide the required courses through use of Department of Real Estate approved “Home Study” programs. These courses the quickest and most convenient way to complete this portion of your studies. 每门课程都是“自定进度”,可以在短短两周半内完成.

We offer the newest editions of our textbooks as they are updated on consistent basis when needed. The DRE requires schools that have courses that only provide an e-book for study, track the student’s time online for the full 45 hours of time required to complete the course, opposed to schools like ours that also provide all of the hardcopy textbooks (no tracking is required). These textbooks contain much more information than what will be necessary for you to know for pass the state exam. We recommend spending just enough time on each course in order to assure yourself of passing the “Open Book Finals”. Our prep materials will focus you into the exact information you’ll need to pass your state exam.

龙8国际娱乐官的“开卷”期末考试和60%以上的成绩通过, 为龙8国际娱乐官的学生提供了接近100%的通过率!


阅读每门课程教材. Hardcopy Textbook or E-book Online (Assignments at the end of chapters are not required to be completed)

参加每门课程的期末考试. The final exam for each course final may be taken any,time 2-1/2 weeks from date of enrollment. Students will have up to 2-1/2 hours to complete the final exam which will consist of 100 multiple choice quiz questions. The final is OPEN BOOK and only requires a 60% grade or better to pass (finals taken ONLINE). Once completed, students will be given immediate results whether they passed or failed (the school is not allowed to give out a percentage grade). 失败几乎不存在, 但是如果真的发生了, students are eligible at “anytime” within the enrollment period to take a second final. 如果第二次失败, by regulation requirements the course is considered as being “failed” and the student would have to re-enroll in the program.

收到竣工证书. 在成功完成每门课程后,你有能力 DOWNLOAD or 打印您自己的完成证书, 确定课程名称 & approval numbers.

申请国家考试考试日期. 完成所有必修课程后, you can apply to the Department of Real Estate for a testing date by sending in all the certificates along with an application.

通常在你参加国家考试之前需要4到6周的时间. 在这一刻,你可能想要开始准备.


准备你的国家考试: 为了成功, students will need to study information that is specific and focused to what will appear on the state exam. 在等待国家考试日期期间,学生可以使用最少4-6周的时间.

Step 1. 复习所有重点主题 


Updated for 2024 

电源检查视频 | “龙8国际娱乐官把教室带到。 You.

在过去的35年里,唐一直在周末现场复习. Classes had traditionally been taught and were held in all the major cities across California. Now students can benefit from this segment of learning conveniently in their home, office or 在个人电脑上的任何地方(6小时以上)

The primary purpose of the “Class Review” has been to give a thorough review of the main topic areas students can expect to find on the State Exam. Instead of our students having to drive to a particular location to attend Don’s lecture, our students now have a chance to see his incredible presentation that was recorded live.

视频格式具有学生快进的能力, 当需要时,倒带或查看视频的任何部分. Having the ability to view numerous times and being able to watch when students are alert and ready gives our them a huge advantage in memorizing the large scope of material. 除了唐在许可领域的专业知识, 出色的教学能力, 在视频中,他分享了真实的生活经历作为例子. This will help explain the information more effectively and grasp student’s attention, 因此,使他们的体验更加愉快.


This includes TEST TAKING HINTS 这就意味着你能不能 PASSING or FAILING GRADE. Sample Video


No other school that we know of has completed the task of taking the vast amount information from the numerous course textbooks available and strategically narrowed it down to subject matter pertinent to the actual state exam. Our 考试复习指南 will take you through 178 pages of an “easy to read” outline. 它包含了你将在国家考试中被测试的主要主题领域. Included will be a page revealing a percentage breakdown of topic areas covered on the state exam so you will know exactly where to place your focus. 也包括在指南的后面, 是一个额外的一般信息部分吗, 龙8国际娱乐官把最“更新”的信息放在哪里.

Step 2. 测试自己所有的信息 

利用龙8国际娱乐官的银行900 Q&A’s w/ Auto Grading

These are the written form of a set of specially selected 300 questions and answers. 每个问题和所有答案都有详尽的解释和分析.

Newest Questions
这套练习考试包含450道新题 & answers. It introduces questions that reflect the most recent changes to the state exam.

这次(模拟国家考试)有150个问题 & answers. 设置类似于实际状态考试.

Step 3. 最后一分钟回顾所有信息

在去国家考试考场的路上听. This “Powerful” Audio is designed to provide a “Quick” and “Effective” method of reviewing all the necessary subject matter prior to taking the actual exam. 离考试日期越近,复习的时间就越长, 每个学生都能更好地记住所学的知识. 在遵循学校建议的学习程序后, we believe that the use of this audio will be the key to success in passing the state exam. (80 min)




Drive & Prep Audio Review 


This program allows time normally wasted while driving to now be used to properly prepare for the state exam…while preserving your time and normal lifestyle. 由电源审查视频(6+小时)的音频组成&A Analysis (5 1/2 hours) and the Lightning Review Audio (80 mins), nearly 13 hours of information.


包括在龙8国际娱乐官的节目中…“你自己的私人教师”. All of our students will be provided access to our Head Instructor who will be available to students by telephone or email to answer any and all questions related to their studies as they go through the entire program. 没有其他学校提供这种类型的个人关注!


包括:考试复习指南小册子 & 练习测试手册(900q&A’s).

Enroll Now


电话:1-800-878-1929 For More Info


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Head Counselor 

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